Sitemap - 2021 - Acute Condition

Testing is a mess

What’s up with the coverage of women founders?

Pharmacies are closing and...Dollar stepping in?

1990s continued: Physician roll ups round 2

Are the narrow networks of the 90s trending back?

A new way to cash-pay

The challenge of building a specialty EHR

A short one

Why don't Epic and Cerner go all-in on telehealth?

The failure of Walmart Health

The AMA is more than a trade organization

The untenable crisis of hospital staffing

Would Theranos have been caught earlier by healthcare experts?

Are infusion centers profitable? No one knows!

The power struggle in infusion centers

PaaS companies and telehealth engagement numbers

The dream of fixing maternity care

Pear Therapeutics and how we price apps

To the moon

Is the landscape for healthcare startups about to change?

Can startups remake the future of patient payment?

A better specialty pharmacy startup is just a lot of funding + some key relationships away

Playing the game of specialty pharmacy

The banality of evil: the prior authorization process

Dr. B and the unbundling of patient data

Primary care and capitation

The “on-ramp” to capitation

Will digital health go where others have failed?

What will doctors do now?

Patients and providers actually enjoy tele-mental health

Update post!

Health care standards as a product

Employer tele-mental health is new branding on an old model

Ginger, Real, and mental health in a post-COVID world

The resurrection of wearables

The vaccine software is one giant 404 error

The next wave of the telehealth market is here

Changing opinions on hospital consolidation

Big hospital systems are more powerful than ever. They're ready to capitalize on it.

PSAOs, a middleman to handle middlemen

The complexities of manufacturing and open source technology

The calcified world of specialty pharmacy

Why are hospitals struggling so much with vaccine distribution?

The sun never sets on the UnitedHealth empire

Did Amazon sink Haven?